Towards the end of the night, the kids got to feel the fury of a live band up close. It was cool.
- Author
- Charles Robinson
- Created on
- Monday 14 July 2014
- DateTimeOriginal
- 2014:07:14 01:21:59
- Make
- Model
- FocalLengthIn35mmFilm
- 42
- FNumber
- 4/1
- ExposureTime
- 1/60
- ISOSpeedRatings
- 3200
- ImageDescription
- Towards the end of the night, the kids got to feel the fury of a live band up close. It was cool.
- iptc_creator
- Charles Robinson
- Looks like GBo
- Towards the end of the night, the kids got to feel the fury of a live band up close. It was cool.