Eller always has Katie doing Bowie, but there are no lyrics in the books! Thank you, InterWebs.
- Author
- Charles Robinson
- Created on
- Tuesday 27 December 2016
- DateTimeOriginal
- 2016:12:27 21:03:34
- Make
- Model
- E-M10
- FocalLengthIn35mmFilm
- 38
- FNumber
- 28/10
- ExposureTime
- 1/25
- ISOSpeedRatings
- 5000
- ImageDescription
- Eller always has Katie doing Bowie, but there are no lyrics in the books! Thank you, InterWebs.
- iptc_creator
- Charles Robinson
- Looks like GBo
- Eller always has Katie doing Bowie, but there are no lyrics in the books! Thank you, InterWebs.