After spotting Matt sitting on this fence, I made him scoot over a bit so I could get him and the sign in the same shot
- Created on
- Saturday 22 August 2009
- DateTimeOriginal
- 2009:08:22 12:40:37
- Make
- PENTAX Corporation
- Model
- FocalLengthIn35mmFilm
- 43
- FNumber
- 5/1
- ExposureTime
- 1/200
- ISOSpeedRatings
- 100
- ImageDescription
- After spotting Matt sitting on this fence, I made him scoot over a bit so I could get him and the sign in the same shot
- Looks like GBo
- After spotting Matt sitting on this fence, I made him scoot over a bit so I could get him and the sign in the same shot
- iptc_keywords
- lake vermilion pam steve